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Friday, May 23, 2008

Agreeing to Disagree

What does it truly mean to agree to disagree? Whether Republicans vs. Democrats or Christians vs. Non-Christians or Pro-lifers vs. Pro-choicers or those for gay rights vs. those against – when it comes to talking about the issue, the issue itself is often overshadowed by an angry tone of voice and over-the-top emotion. Being passionate about a position is one thing but being angry about it is quite another.

The anger factor was illuminated for me as I was listening to the radio yesterday. When I got in the car, it was tuned to a station that was discussing the presidential race from a Democratic perspective. I listened for a while but got so fed up with them Republican-bashing and basically calling Black Republicans stupid, that I changed the station.

I tuned in to a Republican talk-radio station. They were discussing the Michigan/Florida delegate situation. As soon as I thought I’d found a station that would be kinder and gentler to my ears – they started bashing Democrats. And the anger and rudeness to callers just got to me. I plugged in my IPOD instead.

Now I know that when there is a contest of any kind, the candidates sometimes do what they have to do to win. That often leads to fighting dirty. I get that. So, to a degree, I can tolerate Repubicans and Democrats going after each other. After all, it is the White House that is at stake.

However, what I don’t get is the anger that is conveyed along with the message. As a Republican, there is nothing that an angry Democrat could ever say to me that would sway me. I won’t listen to their viewpoint. I won’t consider their position. I will tune the message out along with the anger. That is not because of a lack of a valid message but because of the delivery. I’m sure Democrats feel the same, they probably see Republicans as a bunch of self-righteous folks who don’t know how to agree to disagree.

It seems to me that if either side wants to be heard or even have a remote chance of swaying voters of the opposing party – they’d tone the anger down a bit. What’s up with that anyway? If we disagree, we disagree. Don’t get mad about it.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Golf Addiction

I used to think that golf was the most boring sport on earth. In fact, I didn’t even think of it as a sport. When I thought of golf, I thought of a bunch of pudgy old men smoking cigars and lazily driving from hole to hole trying to find a little white (impossible to find) ball. It’s amazing how things have changed.

Two years ago I decided to take a golf class through a local university with my daughter. While the instructor was horrible and truly did not care if we learned the game or not – something made me want to pursue it further.

After wasting my money on the golf class I searched the Internet for a local golf league. I found a women’s league in the area and my daughter and I promptly joined it. Through the league we participated in a couple clinics and had the opportunity to play golf twice per month. Between league “play dates” I played with friends, my daughter and my son. I also took a few more lessons. I was hooked.

Now I watch the golf channel, closely follow Tiger, subscribe to golf magazines and frequent golf shops. I can’t seem to get enough of golf.

There is so much more to golf than I ever thought. Aside from the thrill of hitting a good shot or parring a hole (which I don’t do very often), being on a nice course has a calming effect.

When not playing with the league, I generally play with men. That is not by design, I just don't know any women that play. Playing with men adds an interesting dynamic to the game. Men typically instantly go into instructor mode and want to give tips on everything from how high to tee the ball to what color the tee should be.

Then there are the men who want to show off -- as if their manhood is somehow linked to the length of their drive. And finally there are the men who don’t play very well and will cheat before ever allowing a mere woman to beat them. Yes, playing with men is most enjoyable. :-)

On the other hand, playing with women is something entirely different. Women don’t really seem to care how other women play. Women want to make sure that they have the cutest golf gear. I will admit, that I too am guilty of getting caught up in this golf gear competition.

Golf itself is an exciting, addictive, challenging, rewarding, therapeutic game but there is something to be said for that feeling of knowing that you are on a beautiful course, with good clubs, a cute bag and stylish golf attire. That probably sounds really shallow but it really does add to the experience.

So while I have never been athletic in the least, golf is the one sport that I know I’ll be playing for some time to come. Oh, and about those cigars – my how I love the smell of them. The pudgy old men? Not so much.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do

What an interesting time in politics. Obama and Clinton are truly slugging it out. Primary after primary the lead has changed and momentum has shifted. Just when it looks like Obama’s got it “all sewn up”, Clinton digs her heels in for the continued fight.

So now the only chance Clinton has is if the Florida and Michigan delegates are allowed to vote at the Democratic Convention in August. Of course Obama is hoping that isn’t allowed. We’ll find out on May 31st.

What’s comical to me now is that Obama is already acting like he has won the Democratic nomination. His attention is now completely focused on Republican John McCain. It’s as if Hillary Clinton no longer exists. I’m sure Hillary is feeling dissed right about now.

Nevertheless, Hillary is holding on to the old adage, “it ain’t over until the fat lady sings.” But wait, I think I hear her clearing her throat. . .

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A New Pledge

Someone sent the poem below to me yesterday. The email said it was written by a teenage girl in 2002. I did a quick search on the Internet but was unable to verify its origin. If it's truly been around since 2002 you may have seen it before but I thought it was pretty good -- so I'm sharing. . .

The New Pledge of Allegiance

Now I sit me down in school
Where praying is against the rule

For this great nation under God
Finds mention of Him very odd.

If Scripture now the class recites,
It violates the Bill of Rights.

And anytime my head I bow
Becomes a Federal matter now.

Our hair can be purple, orange or green,
That's no offense; it's a freedom scene.

The law is specific, the law is precise.
Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice.

For praying in a public hall
Might offend someone with no faith at all.

In silence alone we must meditate,
God's name is prohibited by the state.

We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks,
And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks.

They've outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible.
To quote the Good Book makes me liable.

We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,
And the 'unwed daddy,' our Senior King.

It's "inappropriate" to teach right from wrong,
We're taught that such "judgments" do not belong.

We can get our condoms and birth controls,
Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles.

But the Ten Commandments are not allowed,
No word of God must reach this crowd.

It's scary here I must confess,
When chaos reigns the school's a mess.

So, Lord, this silent plea I make:
Should I be shot; My soul please take!


Monday, May 19, 2008

California Leads The Way -- But Where Are We Going?

Last week California’s Supreme Court overturned the state’s ban on gay marriage. I can’t say that I am surprised. California is one of the most liberal states in the union with the highest percentage of gays. This “blue state” is getting “bluer” by the minute.

Of course homosexuality is not new. Homosexuality led to God’s destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

But the fact that it has been around forever does not make it less sinful. I believe the difference between homosexuality and other sins is that we are at a point in history where we are trying to pretty up the sin. It is simply an “alternate lifestyle”. People are “born that way and there’s basically nothing that they can do about it”.

This rationale is completely contradictory to Scripture. God would not call something a sin and then inflict that sin on people. I believe that certain people may be more inclined to be gay than others -- just as certain people may be more inclined to lie or to steal than others. The question is – how do you react to that inclination? Do you give in to it or do you fight it?

Then there are those who just think being gay is cool. I’ve heard college students say, “sure, I’d try it.” As if they were being offered a drink or something. It’s a way of demonstrating “open-mindedness”. That’s where we are today. We’ve got to be open-minded and tolerant. If not, we are homophobic.

I’m not afraid of homosexuals – as the phobic part of the word homophobic would imply. I simply do not approve of the lifestyle. For me that does not mean that gays should be discriminated against. But by the same token, I do not believe that they should receive any special rights either.

Do gay people have the right to be gay? Sure. Should these gay people be allowed to get married or enter into some kind of civil union? Not as far as I’m concerned.

Webster’s first definition of marriage is “the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law”. God’s definition is similar – “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.” Marriage is between one man and one woman.

In light of the Supreme Court decision – gay marriage is sure to be a key issue in the presidential election. California, you never disappoint.