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Saturday, June 7, 2008

Good Job Hillary

Today Hillary Clinton gave her full support to Barack Obama. She made a great speech and didn’t waste a minute changing her website to show her support for Obama. I’ve not been a big Hillary Clinton fan (even when she was First Lady and I actually liked Bill) but I have to give her a gold star today. She suspended her campaign with great dignity.

And then there were 2. . .

Friday, June 6, 2008

Don’t Let the Smooth Taste Fool You

The Internet is all abuzz with excitement over the Barack Obama nomination. Black radio is calling this a victory for “us” and proof that we have finally “arrived”. I’ve received tons of celebratory emails from friends and family over the past couple days. I suppose I should be happy about this history making event. Hmmm,ok.

Forgive my negativism (and my stretch of an analogy) but I have the same feeling about this that I had when OJ Simpson was found not-guilty of murdering Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman. I’m not at all calling Obama a murderer but it’s that whole idea of retribution. Black folks believed Simpson was guilty but it was sweet revenge for all the wrongs that we as a people had suffered at the hands of White folks. He was guilty. We felt in our hearts that he was guilty -- but we were happy that he was found not-guilty. An eye for an eye. White folks owed us that one.

Now, so what if Obama is least qualified to be our next president? Does anyone even know who he is -- or do we even care? It’s the Black man’s turn. It’s about “justice” and finally being able to do what White folks have been doing forever. It's history. It's time. I get it – but I don’t get it.

Maybe everyone else knows something that’s been kept secret from me but I have not heard anything even remotely impressive about Obama’s experience or qualifications nor have I heard what “change” really means. He is indeed charismatic but when the rubber meets the road that means very little.

"Don’t let the smooth taste fool you". Come on people -- we’re talking about the most important job in the land.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Right Change

Barack Obama has clinched the Democratic nomination. So now we know that either McCain or Obama will be the next President of the United States. But how do we decide? Everyone keeps talking about change but that could really mean little or a lot. It could mean anything -- or nothing at all. Change. That word is overused and way too ambiguous.

Although he didn't provide his definition, I liked what John McCain said about change yesterday. ". . . the direction of this country is going to change dramatically. But the choice is between the right change and the wrong change, between going forward and going backward," What is right change?

Voting for President is more than deciding on the best man for the job. It is deciding on the best man for doing the job of making the right change. I realize that is not a black and white, "no-brainer" (like I think I used to believe) but rather a very individual decision. Proper change for you may be completely improper for me.

So, as an individual, I will vote for the best man to do the job of:
1. handling the delicate situation of sensibly bringing our troops home.
2. turning our economy around.
3. appointing conservative judges to the Supreme Court.

These aren't my only issues but they are important ones. Although John McCain was not my choice among Republicans nominees, against Barack Obama – he gets my vote without much question.

Of course others will vote for the best man for the job of doing just the opposite of what I’ve listed because those are the issues most important to them. And that’s fine with me. That's the way democracy is supposed to work.

Because of this historic race in which for the first time, a Black man is the Democratic nominee, there will be those who vote strictly along color lines. Some will vote for Barack Obama simply because he is Black and others will vote for John McCain simply because he is not. We can't ignore that race will be the primary issue for many.

As we move toward November each of us should be honest with ourselves as we determine to whom our votes should go. Will we vote based on race, issues, tradition or something else? What does "right change" mean to you?

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

This May Be My Next Car

General Motors announced that it is closing 4 truck plants and will begin to produce smaller, more fuel efficient cars. American Airlines recently announced a plan to impose a $15 fee for the first checked bag. Many employers are considering 4 day/10 hour work weeks for employees. Gas prices are causing change all across the country.

I continue to think of ways that I personally should and/or can adjust. As an update to my previous post -- I haven't been to Starbucks in over a month. That's big for me since I used to stop there at least 3 times per week. With gas prices what they are -- that still doesn't equal a tank of gas but every little bit helps.

I took the photo above in Rome. I thought that itsy-bitsy car was so small and cute I had to take a picture of it. The novelty has quickly worn off. I see a Smart Car in my future.