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Friday, October 17, 2008

A Black Republican Chick

I’ve avoided writing about anything political in a while because all of this has just been so draining. This is probably a tough time for Republicans in general, but to be Black and Republican is a truly test of my resolve and convictions.

CNN had James T. Harris on a few days ago. He is the Black man who dared to stand and show support for McCain at a McCain rally. Sadly, he has been called an Uncle Tom and totally vilified by the Black community because he is bold enough to stand by his conservative principles. It’s that continuing expectation – all Black people must vote for Barack Obama. Should someone dare to support the McCain/Pallin ticket they are considered out of touch, a traitor, ignorant, trying to be White or a “suck up”. It’s just all so tiring I’m just about ready to cry.

A close friend (knowing that I am Republican and will not be voting for Obama) challenged me about the intelligence of Sarah Pallin the other day. It was disguised as a joke but the tone really bothered me.

My daughter nearly walked out of her Sunday school class last week because the leader brought up the election and everyone (except my daughter) jumped on the Obama bandwagon. She literally begged them to return to the lesson but they refused.

Many of my neighbors have McCain/Pallin signs in their front yards. I was thinking of putting one up too but my aunt will be here next week –visiting from California – and I just don’t want to deal with her response.

My sisters and I speak regularly but it is as if the presidential race is not even taking place. We dare not speak of it. How I wish that we could simply agree to disagree. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. It would definitely get ugly if we were to talk politics.

So with all of this in mind I’ve just not been in the mood to write about politics – especially considering the fact McCain is losing in the polls. A line in a song from the movie Hustle and Flow goes, “you know it’s hard out here for a pimp”. For some reason every time I think of this battle I sing to myself, “you know it’s hard our here for a Black Republican chick”. :-)

Thursday, October 16, 2008


I failed to post a photo of Euro. I'd hate for her to feel slighted. We named her Euro because my daughter objected to naming her Dollar. :-) The costs associated with having a pet add up very quickly!

But isn't she cute?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Calgon Take Me Away

This is the point in my life where the entrepreneur, mother, Christian and concerned American in me are all taking big chunks of my time and energy. This past month has been a whirlwind and November promises to be more of the same. I can hardly believe that it’s been a month since I’ve written anything. Where did the time go?

Well, on September 7th we bought a puppy -- a mini-schnauzer named Euro. On September 8th my son’s childhood friend moved in with us. On September 9th my first grandchild (Pharyn) was born. In mid-September I decided that I needed larger offices for my business and began the search. I found the perfect office a few days later and we are moving next week. My daughter’s 17th birthday is this October 26th and I am shopping for a used car as a gift. When I add the election and the financial crisis to the mix – Calgon take me away!

Today I was “inspired” to write when someone emailed the picture above to me. I think it absolutely hits the nail on the head. Obama is seen as some type of superhero coming to save the nation. The problem with that view of course, is that this is not a movie. Or, as Jay-Z puts it, “this ain’t a movie dawg”