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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do

What an interesting time in politics. Obama and Clinton are truly slugging it out. Primary after primary the lead has changed and momentum has shifted. Just when it looks like Obama’s got it “all sewn up”, Clinton digs her heels in for the continued fight.

So now the only chance Clinton has is if the Florida and Michigan delegates are allowed to vote at the Democratic Convention in August. Of course Obama is hoping that isn’t allowed. We’ll find out on May 31st.

What’s comical to me now is that Obama is already acting like he has won the Democratic nomination. His attention is now completely focused on Republican John McCain. It’s as if Hillary Clinton no longer exists. I’m sure Hillary is feeling dissed right about now.

Nevertheless, Hillary is holding on to the old adage, “it ain’t over until the fat lady sings.” But wait, I think I hear her clearing her throat. . .

1 comment:

Amy said...

Love reading your blog!