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Welcome -- I hope you find my thoughts and opinions regarding politics, Christianity, family and just everyday "stuff" interesting. Please read and be sure to visit again.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Being Kee

I've always enjoyed writing. People have always told me that I was good at it and I've got lots of opinions, thoughts, views, etc. Starting a blog is just a natural transition, I guess. Who knows, maybe this will lead to that book that my sisters and I are always threatening to write.

You'll get a glimpse of my thoughts on politics, Christianity, entertainment, family, business, love, friendship, trivia and a whole lot of other things. Be sure to add your comments. That's what will make this fun.

Anyway, I think I'm more than a little different so I will likely (albeit unintentionally) offend some and make others scratch their heads in disbelief. I'd like to think that there are a few folks out there though, that think a lot like I do.

I really don't know how to be anything other than who I am so this is the beginning of me -- Being Kee.

Hold on, here we go. . .


Anonymous said...

I am so glad that I found your blog. I was looking up different things this evening, one of them, was why do I crave ice by the bowlful or cupful? But not just any ice will do, shaved ice is my downfall. The finer it is (like smooth snow) the better.

Which somehow led me to your site. And I have been enjoying reading your different ever since. Yes, I should be doing other things, but I was reading. :o)

You have beautiful kids, and gorgeous grandbaby, oh so cute puppy, and from everything that I have read, you are a remarkable woman.

I don't normally just leave comments on stranger's blogs, but felt I had to in this instance. It was funny, because I was reading a few of your posts to my mom, and she said, "She is just like you." "A do-it-yourselfer, attached to ice, carries her heart on her shoulders, along with the kleenex for the tears, doesn't think all celebrities should automatically be idolized, likes to be in the 'background', would rather read a book... etc."

I just laughed. So, here I am, saying hi, to someone that I do not know, yet, feel as if I do.


Kee said...

Thanks Christine!! Thanks for visiting too. . .