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Friday, October 17, 2008

A Black Republican Chick

I’ve avoided writing about anything political in a while because all of this has just been so draining. This is probably a tough time for Republicans in general, but to be Black and Republican is a truly test of my resolve and convictions.

CNN had James T. Harris on a few days ago. He is the Black man who dared to stand and show support for McCain at a McCain rally. Sadly, he has been called an Uncle Tom and totally vilified by the Black community because he is bold enough to stand by his conservative principles. It’s that continuing expectation – all Black people must vote for Barack Obama. Should someone dare to support the McCain/Pallin ticket they are considered out of touch, a traitor, ignorant, trying to be White or a “suck up”. It’s just all so tiring I’m just about ready to cry.

A close friend (knowing that I am Republican and will not be voting for Obama) challenged me about the intelligence of Sarah Pallin the other day. It was disguised as a joke but the tone really bothered me.

My daughter nearly walked out of her Sunday school class last week because the leader brought up the election and everyone (except my daughter) jumped on the Obama bandwagon. She literally begged them to return to the lesson but they refused.

Many of my neighbors have McCain/Pallin signs in their front yards. I was thinking of putting one up too but my aunt will be here next week –visiting from California – and I just don’t want to deal with her response.

My sisters and I speak regularly but it is as if the presidential race is not even taking place. We dare not speak of it. How I wish that we could simply agree to disagree. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. It would definitely get ugly if we were to talk politics.

So with all of this in mind I’ve just not been in the mood to write about politics – especially considering the fact McCain is losing in the polls. A line in a song from the movie Hustle and Flow goes, “you know it’s hard out here for a pimp”. For some reason every time I think of this battle I sing to myself, “you know it’s hard our here for a Black Republican chick”. :-)


Anonymous said...

since i couldnt find a contact you button - i'm going to post here.

not to jump on the band wagon - or kick you when you are down sister - but can you please explain to me how you can still be down with the mccain palin team?

for the last 8 years - the republicans have had every single opportunity in the world to implement their belief system.

and look at the results.

pundits are reaching back 80 years to find comparable superlatives to match the mood of the people and the state of the economy.

and the real kick in the head to me - the pubs biggest knee jerk mantra is less regulation and oversight with smaller govt.

and when that experiment goes horribly terribly wrong and almost literally topples the WORLD'S economic system - they immediately turn to the govt and get relief that cadillac driving welfare moms could only dream of getting.

what happened to letting the free market determine the winners and losers?

a $200+ billion SURPLUS is now a $400 billion deficit - all on the pub's watch! ruh? raggy?

the chicago tribune has for the first time ever - ever ever ever ever - in the 150+ years of the paper - endorsed the democratic candidate for president.

i'll be the first to admit that with most politicians and the political process - the only difference really comes down to whose cronies are getting the kick backs and the influence peddling.

in my ntbho - obama is the first candidate ive seen (b 1967) to actually be above the fray and really trying to engage the electorate instead of the lobbyists. now granted - he has certainly descended from mt. olympus over the last month or so on occasion. i REALLY hate to see him sling the mud and spin things.

it would be SO SO refreshing to have a politician be able to pass muster with every fact checking organization out there b/c he chose to only speak the truth and what's in his heart.

political wisdom says that such a man could never win office.

but my hope is still for a politician to one day say, here is what i believe in my heart of hearts is right for america. and i dont believe i have to be anti my opponent in order for me to win. i would rather be the losing candidate with my integrity and honor in tact, than to win all the elections in the world while compromising my morals and beliefs.

is that too much ask for?

there is no perfect man, and obama has never laid claim to be one. i dont knee jerk support him just b/c he's a black man.

i support obama b/c to me - he represents our BEST BEST chance for a new direction for this country.

he very well could get into office and turn out to be just like every other politician. but at this stage - he really is our best hope.

what we're facing is almost the picture perfect definition of insanity. well yes - the pubs have had 2 terms to lead america in the right direction. and screwed up everything beyond recognition. but hey - let's give them another shot at fixing things. doing the same thing - and expecting a different result.

and as much as mccain hollers so much. not that much of a maverick.

and then when he picked palin - spitting in the face of much more qualified candidates, female and male - that to me was the breaking point of taking him serious as a candidate.

if it's true as the rumors say - he was pressured into picking palin by the powers-that-be to increase his chances of winning - mcshame indeed. a true maverick would have told the powers-that-be, i am going to chose the person who i think would best serve america if need be; not the person who i think is most likely to help me get elected.

now given what i've laid out above - can you please explain to me why you continue to believe that mccain palin are truly what america needs to turn things around?

Kee said...

First of all, I am a conservative -- in almost every since of the word. As a conservative the best chance for the things that are most important to me to be protected is to vote for the person with values and beliefs that are most like mine. That is absolutely NOT Barack Obama. That is absolutely NOT most Democrats.

It really is that simple for me. I do not take this decision lightly. As a Black woman it is exciting to see a Black man reach the heights that Obama has but more important than the pride is the future of our country.

You talk about what Republicans haven't done -- I'd like to know what Democrats HAVE done.

Anonymous said...

aha...pagophagia..."an abnormal appetite for some things..."

that explains things now.


Kee said...

This is to correct a grammatical error (there are probably loads of them throughout the blog -- sorry). I should have said, "First of all, I am a conservative -- in almost every sense of the word." :-)

Amy said...

I don't know if you have seen this yet. But, I thought it might make you feel better. :) Maybe even make you laugh!! As Christians, we have to vote with our morals and pray that God's will be done. I hate that it has become a "black or white" issue. It's a "moral" issue for me. Because, if the views were flip flopped I would be an Obama supporter all the way! Cheer up! :) You are doing the right thing!
Here is the link to watch: