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Friday, July 11, 2008

William Philip "Phil" Gramm

My how my “Please Go Sit Down Somewhere And Close Your Mouth List” is growing. Today I’ve added Phil Gramm.

During the course of presidential campaigns we have come to expect the candidates and their supporters to do and say dumb things. And, we know that the media eagerly reports each and every misspoken word. Knowing that we live in a world addicted to gossip and/or news – whether concerning politicians, celebrities or athletes – you’d think that these same people would be discerning in choosing their words.

Now we have Phil Gramm with the microphone. On Wednesday he unapologetically called Americans who are having financial struggles “whiners”.

These are the stupid comments that give so many Americans the impression that the Republican Party is only for the elite. While Gramm may not be hurting financially or otherwise, money (or lack thereof) is a real and critical issue for many of us. Trivializing what people are feeling the way he did just widens the gulf between Republicans and Black folks.

Mr. Gramm, please take a seat in the corner next to Jesse Jackson.

1 comment:

Gary and Shelice Murphy said...

I love this post. It's so true. We all have people in our little world and the world at large that belong in this group. I didn't read all your posts but really identified with the ones I did read. I found your blog while I was just crusin' around.