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Monday, November 10, 2008

Thank you President Bush

There are lists and blogs and articles and editorials about the awful presidency of George W. Bush. He was especially dogged during this presidential election – by both Democrats and Republicans. While he certainly made some serious mistakes and I didn’t agree with all of his decisions – it is sad that the main (and possibly only) thing that anyone will remember about President Bush is the war in Iraq.

Whatever your personal opinions about George W. Bush, he must have done at least one or two things right because he was re-elected in 2004. He served our country in the most demanding, highly scrutinized and difficult job in the world. The citizens of this country owe him a simple “thank you” if nothing else.

As we move forward and begin to support and pray for our new president – let’s not fail to thank and continue to pray for our outgoing president. Thank you President Bush!

1 comment:

Lucinda said...

I couldn't agree more. I think history will prove him better than the present thinks! Like all of us he is human. My prayers are with the Bush First Family and the incoming one.